Sensoray Model 7405 Instruction Manual — Page 5
Channel connections should be made as illustrated in the
following diagram, regardless of the selected channel output
CalibrationAlthough the 7405 analog section is factory calibrated at
Sensoray, you may find that a periodic calibration is in order
to compensate for circuit drift over time. The board contains
nine trimpots in all, one offset trim for each channel and one
gain trim that is common to all channels.
The general strategy for board calibration is to first adjust the
gain trimpot, followed by the individual channel offset
adjustments. It is important that the final offset adjustments
be performed after configuring the channels for their target
operating modes.
1. Configure analog channel 0 for voltage output mode by
removing programming shunts at A0, B0 and D0.
2. Connect a precision voltmeter to the channel 0 voltage
outputs. Connect the positive lead to P1 pin 2, and the
negative lead to P1 pin 4.
3. Set analog channel 0 output to 0 volts by programming
the channel data value to 800 hex.
4. Adjust the channel 0 offset trimpot until the voltmeter
reads 0 volts.
5. Set analog channel 0 output to -10 volts by
programming the channel data value to 000 hex.
6. Adjust the gain trimpot until the voltmeter reads -10
7. Configure the output modes of all eight channels as
required by your application.
8. For each voltage channel, connect the meter to the
channel voltage output pins on connector P1. Set the
output to 0 volts by programming the channel data value
to 800 hex. Adjust the channel offset trimpot until the
meter displays 0 volts.
9. For each current channel, connect a precision
milliammeter across the channel’s current output pins
on connector P1. Set the output to 4 mA by
programming the channel data value to 000 hex. Adjust
the channel offset trimpot until the meter displays 4 mA.
Board LayoutChan
Mode Pin Current
Mode Pin
0 2 4 1 3
1 6 8 5 7
210 12 911
314 16 13 15
418 20 17 19
522 24 21 23
626 28 25 27
730 32 29 31
CH0 B0A0
CH1 B1A1
CH2 B2A2
CH3 B3A3
CH4 B4A4
CH5 B5A5
CH6 B6A6
CH7 B7A7
E8 7654321
D7 06543 21