Ecologically Conscious SHARP AQUOS
“Green” Materials
AQUOS Employs Ecological Materials
AQUOS employs
Saving Resources
Approx. 60,000-Hour Long-Life Design without Replacement
The LCD panels used in AQUOS TVs suffer almost no performance degradation over their operational lives. Thus users can enjoy beautiful
Use of Eco-Oriented Recycling Materials
The base stands for AQUOS TVs are constructed from a resin comprised at least 20% of recycled materials. Also, the protective packaging materials consist of cardboard and molded pulp made from 100% recyclable paper, helping to further reduce the burden of waste products on the environment.
Kameyama Plant: Plant No.2 (right) has been in operation since Aug. 2006.
The Most Advanced LCD Facility for the Integrated Manufacture of LCD TVs Starts Operation
With the crystallization of Sharp LCD technology and V technology, the most advanced facility for the integrated production of AQUOS from the manufacturing of LCD panels to assembly of final products has been completed in Kameyama, Mie Prefecture, Japan, and started operation in January 2004. Also, Kameyama Plant No.2 started operation in August 2006 producing the world’s largest*2
The Most Advanced Technology to Keep Environmental Impact to the Minimum
A cogeneration system and photovoltaic power generating system supply the plant with about
*1 Typical time for power output decrease of about one half, assuming continuous use with brightness or dimming. In standard mode and with a room temperature of 25°C (77°F) (except the
16*2 As of August 2007