Sending a Fax by Automatic Dialing
2. Sending
Enter the fax or phone number by pressing the number keys. Up to 32
digits can be entered. (Note: A space cannot be entered.)
•To clear a mistake, press .
•If a pause is required between any of the digits to access a special service
or an outside line, press . The pause appears as a hyphen (two
seconds per pause). Several pauses can be entered in a row.
Press .
Enter a name by pressing number keys for each letter as shown in the
chart below. Up to 15 characters can be entered. (If you do not wish to
enter a name, go directly to Step 6.)
Example: SHARP = 7777 44 2 777 7
♦To enter two letters in succession that require the same key, press after
entering the first letter.
♦To enter a lower case letter, continue pressing the key for the letter until the
lower case letter appears.
♦To enter one of the following symbols, press or repeatedly:
. / ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) + + , - : ; < = > ? @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ' { | } ) (
A =
B =
C =
D =
E =
F =
G =
H =
I =
J =
K =
L =
M =
N =
O =
P =
Q =
R =
S =
T =
U =
V =
W =
X =
Y =
Z =