STORAGE (30 days or longer)
nCLEANING Thoroughly clean the blower exterior.
nINSPECTION Inspect the entire blower and tubes for damage, including loose or missing compo- nents, and repair as necessary.
nFUEL Drain the fuel tank, and then clear any remaining fuel from the carburetor and lines by running the blower until it stops from lack of fuel.
Never store this product with any fuel remaining in the tank, fuel lines, or carburetor! Your Shindaiwa warranty does not in- clude coverage for damage caused by “stale” or contaminated fuels!
nLUBRICATION Remove the spark plug, and then pour approximately
nAIR CLEANER Remove, clean, and reinstall the filter element as described under “daily mainte- nance.”
nSTORAGE Store the blower in a clean, dry,