Setting the loudness
PRISMA 2 D SP hearing instruments are fully auto- matic. It is therefore not
necessary for you to change2 the loudness manually.
However, if you still wish to do so, PRISMA 2 D SP offers you a volume control.
Your hearing instrument specialist can program the possible adjustment range for you. If you do not want to use the volume control, then your hearing instrument specialist can also switch it off. Turning the volume control then does not change the adjustment of your PRISMA 2 D SP hearing instrument.
Program switch
PRISMA 2 D SP hearing in- |
struments have 4 hearing | 1 |
programs.Three are selected | T |
with a program switch. The | |
fourth program is activated | 2 |
as soon as the audio shoe |
is plugged to the audio input. |
Your hearing specialist will program them according to your individual needs.