RELD0_LOW R/W Addr.: 0x4000_2104 Default: 0x0000_FFFF
Description Reload register 0_Low. Reload value for bits 15:0 of watchdog counter 0.
Bit No. Name Description
15-0 Reload0 [15:0] Reload value for bits 15:0 of watchdog counter 0.
31-16 Key bits Key bits for writing to this register (read=0).
If bits 31-16=9876h, writing of bits 0-15 of this register has an effect;
otherwise, no effect.
RELD0_HIGH R/W Addr.: 0x4000_2108 Default: 0x0000_FFFF
Description Reload register 0_High. Reload value for bits 31:16 of watchdog counter 0.
Bit No. Name Description
15-0 Reload0 [31:16] Reload value for bits 31-16 of watchdog counter 0.
31-16 Key bits Key bits for writing to this register (read=0).
If bits 31-16=9876h, writing of bits 0-15 of this register has an effect;
otherwise, no effect.
RELD1_LOW R/W Addr.: 0x4000_210C Default: 0x0000_FFFF
Description Reload register 1_Low. Reload value for bits 19:4 of watchdog counter 1.
Bit No. Name Description
15-0 Reload1 [19:4] Reload value for bits 19:4 of watchdog counter 1.
31-16 Key bits Key bits for writing to this register (read=0).
If bits 31-16=9876h, writing of bits 0-15 of this register has an effect;
otherwise, no effect.
RELD1_HIGH R/W Addr.: 0x4000_2110 Default: 0x0000_FFFF
Description Reload register 1_High. Reload value for bits 35:20 of watchdog counter 1.
Bit No. Name Description
15-0 Reload1 [35:20] Reload value for bits 35-20 of watchdog counter 1.
31-16 Key bits Key bits for writing to this register (read=0).
If bits 31-16=9876h, writing of bits 0-15 of this register has an effect;
otherwise, no effect.
R Addr.: 0x4000_2114 Default: 0xFFFF_FFFF
Description Watchdog value 0. Value of watchdog counter 0.
Bit No. Name Description
31-0 WDOG0[31:0] Bit [31:0] of watchdog counter 0.
R Addr.: 0x4000_2118 Default: 0xFFFF_FFFF
Description Watchdog value 1. Value of watchdog counter 1.
Bit No. Name Description
31-0 WDOG1[36:4] Bit [36:4] of watchdog counter 1.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2007. All rights reserved. 47 ERTEC 200 Manual
Technical data subject to change Version 1.1.0