The baud rate generation is derived from the internal 50 MHz APB clock. The resulting deviations from the standard
baud rates used are so small that a secure data transmission is achieved.
The baud rate is calculated according to the following formula:
BR = ----------------------------- or BAUDDIV = (-----------------------------) - 1
(BAUDDIV+1) x 16 BR x 16
This yields the following error tolerance calculation:
Ep = ----------------- x 100% where BRI is the ideal baud rate
The following table shows the baud rate values to be set and the deviations from the standard baud rates. The
associated error percentages are within the baud rate tolerance range.
115200 26 115740 +0,47
76800 40 76219 -0,76
57600 53 57870 +0,47
38400 80 38580 +0,47
19200 162 19171 -0,15
14400 216 14400.9 +0,006
9600 325 9585.9 -0,15
2400 1301 2400.15 +0,006
1200 2603 1200.077 +0,006
110 28408 110.0004 +0.0003
The UART from an external PC are to be loaded to the
ERTE [3:0] inputs during the active reset phase.
The BOOT g of the program code. The “Boot strap
loader” functio
If the user doe terface.
Table 13: Baud Rates for UART at FUARTCLK=50 MHz
can also be used as a BOOT medium if, for example, functions
C 200 and executed. The BOOT medium is selected by the BOOT
loader then takes over setting of the UART signal pins and loadin
nality is also used.
s not utilize the UART, it can also be used as a debugging in
Address Assignment of UART Registers
registers are 8 bits in width.
UART (Start 0x4000_2300)
Register Name Offset Address Address Area Access Default Description
UARTDR 0x0000 1 bytes R/W 0x-- Read/write data from interface
UARTRSR/UARTECR 0x0004 1 bytes R/W 0x00 Receive status register (read)
Error clear register (write)
UARTLCR_H 0x0008 1 bytes R/W 0x00 Line control register high byte
UARTLCR_M 0x000C 1 bytes R/W 0x00 Line control register middle byte
UARTLCR_L 0x0010 1 bytes R/W 0x00 Line control register low byte
UARTCR 0x0014 1 bytes R/W 0x00 Control register
UARTFR 0x0018 1 bytes R 0x9- Flag register
UARTIIR/UARTICR 0x001C 1 bytes R/W 0x00
Int identification register (read)
Interrupt clear register (write)
UARTILPR 0x0020 1 bytes R/W 0x00
IrDA Low Power Counter Register
(not supported in the ERTEC200)
0x0024 - 0x003C Reserved
0x0040 - 0x0098 Reserved for test purposes
0x009C - 0x00FF Reserved for future extension
Table 14: Overview of UART Registers
Copyright © Siemens AG 2007. All rights reserved. 49 ERTEC 200 Manual
Technical data subject to change Version 1.1.0