For the synchronous clock output of the SPI interface, the following frequencies are calculated according to the assigned
SPI registers:
50 MHz
SCLKOUT = -----------------------------
The SPI parameters can assume the following values:
CPSDRV From 2 to 254
SCR From 0 to 255
This yields a frequency range of
769 Hz (CPSDRV = 254, SCR = 255) to
25 MHz[Master]/8.33 MHz[Slave] (CPSDRV = 2, SCR = 0)
The SPI interface can also be used as a BOOT medium if, for example, functions from a serial EEPROM are to be
loaded to the ERTEC 200 and executed. The BOOT medium is selected by the BOOT[3:0] inputs during the active reset
phase. (See BOOT ROM description).
The BOOT loader then takes over setting of the SPI signal bins and loading of the program code. For BOOT mode with
. However, a
SPI interface, the GPIO[22] is used as a chip select signal.
4.7.1 Address Assignment of SPI Register
The SPI registers are 16 bits in width. Reading or writing the SPI register is useful only in 16-bit access
byte-by-byte write operation is not intercepted by the hardware.
SPI (Base Address 0x4000_2200)
Register Name Offset Address Address Area Access Default Description
SSPCR0 0x0000 2 bytes R/W 0x0000 SSP control register 0
SSPCR1 0x0004 1 bytes R/W 0x00 SSP control register 1
SSPDR 0x0008 2 bytes R/W 0x---- Rx/Tx FIFO data register
SSPSR 0x000C 1 bytes R 0x03 SSP status register
SSPCPSR 0x0010 1 bytes R/W 0x00 SSP clock prescale register
SSPIIR/SSPICR 0x0014 1 bytes R/W 0x00
Int identification register (read
Interrupt clear re )
gister (write)
0x0018 - 0x003C Reserved
0x0040 - 0x0090 Reserved for test purposes
0x0094 - 0x00FF Reserved for future extension
Table 15: Overview of SPI Registers
Copyright © Siemens AG 2007. All rights reserved. 55 ERTEC 200 Manual
Technical data subject to change Version 1.1.0