For this, the HomeRF Gateway (optional accessory) must be in operation.
Instructions for this can be found in the HomeRF Gateway System manu-
al. The HomeRF PC Card has to be plugged into the SIMpad.
The following dialog window appears.
. The SIMpad then tries to set up a connection to the Internet.
Since SIMpad is not yet logged on at the HomeRF Gateway, you will first
be requested to log on.
If you have not yet determined the password for the cordless network, the
following dialog box appears.
Set the password for the cordless network in this dialog box. The pass-
word identifies all components of your cordless network and prevents un-
authorized access to the individual network components. The password
can contain letters and numbers; it must be at least 8 and no more than
20 characters long.
Memorize the password. You will have to re-enter the password
when incorporating further components into the cordless network.
Then tap
. A confirmation message informs you that the password has
been changed successfully. Tap
Network Settings
HRF Gateway
Change Network Password