Just like displaying the Web and its http addresses, e-Mail is another im-
portant Internet service.
Because Pocket Word, Pocket Excel and Pocket PowerPoint are integrated
in your SIMpad, you are able to view e-Mail attachments just by tapping
0LFURVRIW,QER[is the pre-installed e-Mail application on your SIMpad.
Before you can send and receive e-Mails you must have a connection to
the Internet. Please set up your Internet connection first, if you haven’t
done so already (see page 13 and page 68).
To send and receive e-Mails you need your own e-Mail account as well as
access to the Internet. In general you receive this account when you are
given Internet access by your provider.
An e-Mail account consists of an e-Mail address and various other data.
An e-Mail address is an address in the form of <RXU1DPH#SURYLGHU–the
@ character is generally referred to as “at“.
The e-Mail account also includes an access ID and a password to ensure
that no one else can use your account. In addition the data of an e-Mail
account includes the Internet addresses of the e-Mail servers for incom-
ing and outgoing e-Mails.
Nowadays many computer viruses are spread with the aid of e-Mails. To
avoid damage, GRQRW RSHQDQ\VXVSLFLRXVH0DLOVfrom people that
you do not know.
Your own e-Mail address is just as much part of your personal data as your
address, telephone number or cell phone number. If you have an e-Mail
address, don’t forget to indicate it on business cards, letter heads, promo-
tional material etc.
You frequently find out other people’s e-Mail addresses in this way. In ad-
dition however you can search the Web for people and their e-Mail ad-
dresses. To do this start your Web browser (see page 49). Typical e-Mail
search services are :
Note that only people who have let their details be entered on this site will
be found. You can also enter your details so that others can find you.