XT55 AVL User’s Guide
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XT55_avl_ug_V03 Page 19 of 37 28.06.2004 Extended NMEA command description Please note that all extended NMEA commands beginning with $PSRF111 are for internal
test purposes only. Whereas all extended NMEA commands beginning with $PSRF112 and
$PSRF109 are implemented for configuration of history, alarm and remote tracking function.
Please note that all NMEA commands, which have to be sent to the XT55 module, are
accepted when the End Sequence <CR><LF> is also included. The End Sequence
<CR><LF> tells the GPS receiver that the received command is terminated and incoming
next string is new command.
• The CR – Carriage Return (ASCII code 13), which positions the cursor to the left side of
the current line of characters
• The LF - Line Feed (ASCII code 10), which moves the cursor down one line on the input
All commands listed below are available for direct connected XT55 as well as for remote
configuration (except the $PSRF111 command).
Commands Description
Parameter description:
value: //commands overview
Defined value
0 //overview of all implemented history, alarm and remote
tracking commands
*XX //CheckSum has to be calculated.
Example 1