Operating Elements
Bluetooth Car Radio KH 2376
32 CD compartment
33 ISO-Block connection B
34 Automotive blade
type fuse 10 A
35 ISO block connection A
36 Bluetooth antenna
37 Socket for microphone unit
38 Securing screw
(incl. M5 nut and washer)
Audio cinch output L/R for
amplifi er
40 Antenna connection for
DIN antenna plug
Switch device on and off /
dim display illumination
42 Button
43 I◂◂:
Title / Station search
44 VOL+:
Volume increase
45 Button
46 ▸▸I:
Title / Station search forwards
47 INT/3:
Intro function in the CD/
MP3 operation mode,
number button 3
48 VOL-:
Volume decrease
49 PTY/7:
Station search by PTY group/
number button 7
50 Number button 6
51 DSP/*:
Sound setting/button *
52 BAND/0:
Select frequency range/
number button 0
53 Battery compartment
54 SEL/#:
Press or hold down to access
adjustment options/button #
55 TA/9:
Activate traffi c radio station/
number button 9
56 AF/8:
Alternative Frequency search/
regional programme activation/
number button 8
57 Number button 5
58 RDM/4:
Random playback in the CD/
MP3 operation mode/ number
button 4
59 RPT/2:
Repeat function in the CD/
MP3 operation mode/
number button 2
60 ▸II/1:
Playback start or stop/
number button 1
61 MODE:
Set operation type/
Loudness function
62 Microphone unit plug
63 Microphone
64 TALK button
65 green LED for connection status
66 Case for face plate
67 Bezel frame
68 Installation bracket
69 Key for installation bracket
70 Fixture plate
(incl. securing material)