Coupling the hands-free appliance with several mobile telephones
You can couple the hands-free appliance with up to eight mobile telephones. However, it can only be connected with one mobiletelephone. If a further mobile telephone is coupled with the hands-free appliance, the coupling information of the first coupled mobile telephone is erased.
When the hands-free appliance is switched on, within a few seconds it attempts to make a connection to the last used mobile phone. Should a connection not be possible, the hands-free appliance nonetheless remains recognisable for other mobile telephones. To use the hands-free appliance with a linked mobile phone that is not the last used mobile phone, the connection must be made via the Blue- tooth® menu of the mobile phone.
Separating the connection
If you wish separate the mobile telephone from the hands-free appliance, for example, to connect it to another Bluetooth® appliance:
•Switch the hands-free appliance off
•separate the connection over the Bluetooth® menu in the mobile telephone. You need not erase the coupling with the hands-free appliance in the Bluetooth® menu to separate the connection.