C3X Lumis HOST
To reduce the risk of electrocution, disconnect the power supply cable on the rear panel before removing the top cover of
the projector. For technical service refer to trained personnel authorised by the manufacturer.
If the lamp suddenly ‘fails’ with a loud ‘pop’ Switch off the Projector & HOST and air the room thoroughly. Do not attempt
to replace the lamp yourself until the unit is inspected by an authorised SIM2 service agent.
This product contains materials derived from natural resources during its manufacture. It may contain materials which
constitute a health and environmental hazard. To prevent harmful materials from being released into the environment and
to promote the use of natural materials, SIM2 Multimedia provides the following information regarding the disposal and re-
cycling of the product. Waste electrical and electronic materials (WEE) should never be disposed of in normal urban waste
disposal facilities. The label on the product, shown here, indicating a cancelled garbage can, is intended to remind you
that the product requires special handling at the end of its service life. Materials such as glass, plastic and some chemical
compounds are recoverable and can be recycled for reuse. Please observe the following instructions:
1. When you no longer wish to use your electrical and electronic equipment, take it to your local waste disposal
facility for recycling.
2. You may return your old equipment to your dealer free of charge when you buy a new product which is
equivalent or has the same functions as the old one. Call SIM2 Multimedia to find your local dealer.
3. If you need more information regarding recycling, reuse and product exchanges, please contact customer
service at the number given in the manual.
Lastly we suggest further measures to safeguard the environment, such as recycling of inter nal and external packaging
(including that used for shipping) in which the product was delivered. W ith your help, we can reduce the amount of envi-
ronmental resources required to make electric and electronic equipment, reduce the use of waste tips for used equipment
and, in general, improve our quality of life by making sure that hazardous materials are correctly scrapped.
Incorrect treatment of the product at the end of its service life and failure to follows the above disposal instructions are
punishable under local legislation.
Read all chapters of this manual carefully before switching on the projector. This manual provides basic
instructions for using the C3X Lumis HOST system. Installation, preliminary adjustments and procedures
that necessitate the removal of the top cover and contact with electrical components must be performed
by authorised, trained technicians. To ensure safe operation and long term reliability use only the power
cables supplied by the manufacturer. Observe all warnings and precautions.
Due to the compact nature, high brightness and contrast of the optical system within the C3X Lumis HOST, a small amount
of light scatter may be seen outside the edges of the screen area and this effect will vary depending on the type of lens used
and the zoom and shift setting. This is a normal characteristic of the optical system. To reduce this effect SIM2 recommends
that the area surrounding the screen should be as dark as possible.
The C3X Lumis HOST is a three chip DLP™ design using three high resolution DMD's ™ (Red, Green, Blue). These three
DMD's are carefully aligned into position by a high precision process at the factory which reduces alignment errors to within
the stated tolerances.
Maximum permissible limits for the misalignment are: Screen Centre - Up to 0.7 pixel between each color. Screen Corners
Up to 2 Pixel between each color. Please Note: 1 pixel is equivalent to 10 thousandths of a millimetre on the DMD™.
LUMIS HOST EN.pdf 12-01-2009 17:59:56
C3X Lumis HOST_ EN.indd 2 11-02-2009 14:40:28