C PROJECTION DISTANCESFollow the table below to determine the optimal projection distance (between the screen and the center of the lens). This will help
you to obtain the desired screen size.
Screen Screen Screen
size width width
(diagonal) min max min max
Projection distance Projection distance
4/3 16/9
in. m in. m ft. in. m ft. in. m in. m ft. in. m ft. in.
50" 1.0 40" 2.4 8' 0" 3.4 11' 0" 1.1 44" 2.0 6' 6" 2.7 9' 0"
60" 1.2 48" 2.9 9' 7" 4.0 13' 2" 1.3 52" 2.4 7' 10" 3.3 10' 9"
70" 1.4 56" 3.4 11' 2" 4.7 15' 7" 1.6 61" 2.8 9' 1" 3.8 12' 7"
80" 1.6 64" 3.9 12' 6" 5.4 17' 7" 1.8 70" 3.2 10' 5" 4.4 14' 4"
90" 1.8 72" 4.4 14' 4" 6.0 19' 9" 2.0 78" 3.6 11' 9" 4.9 16' 2"
100" 2.0 80" 4.9 16' 0" 6.7 22' 0" 2.2 87" 4.0 13' 1" 5.5 17' 11"
120" 2.4 96" 5.8 19' 2" 8.0 26' 5" 2.7 105" 4.8 15' 8" 6.6 21' 7"
150" 3.1 120" 7.3 23' 11" 10.1 33' 0" 3.3 131" 6.0 19' 7" 8.2 26' 11"
180" 3.7 144" 8.8 28' 9" 12.1 39' 7" 4.0 157" 7.2 23' 6" 9.9 32' 4"
200" 4.1 160" 9.7 31' 11" 13.4 44' 0" 4.4 174" 8.0 26' 1" 11.0 35'11"
220" 4.5 176'” 10.7 35' 1" - - - 4.9 192" 8.8 28' 9" 12.0 39' 6"
250" 5.1 200" 12.2 39' 11" - - - 5.5 218" 9.9 32' 7" 13.7 44' 11"