Regular Maintenance
Removing Belt Cover
In order to perform proper lubrication, it is necessary to remove the Belt cover from the lower left of the snowthrower.
1.Remove the Engine Key from the switch.
2.Remove the fours screws securing the belt cover (see Figure 7).
3.Remove the cover.
4.Perform lubrication (see below).
5.Reinstall belt cover (reverse steps 3 to 1 above.)
Note: The drive pulley end of auger shaft is supported by a sealed ball bearing and requires no lubrication. The ball bearing on other end of auger shaft is also sealed, and will not require lubrication.
Screws |
Figure 7. Removing Belt Cover
Lightly Oil
•A few drops of oil should be placed on wheel hubs occasionally to keep wheels turning freely.
•Apply oil to pivot points of auger control peri- odically, wiping off any excess oil.
•A couple of drops of light machine oil applied to upper end of auger control cable will assure free movement of cable through outside casing. Wipe off any excess oil.
•Remove belt cover and lightly apply oil to the pivot point for idler pulley arm. BE CAREFUL NOT TO GET OIL ON BELT OR PULLEYS.
Figure 8. Lubrication points
Pivot Point
•At the beginning of each snow throwing sea- son, remove discharge chute and generously lubricate steel flange at back of rotating ring with light grease. Rotate ring with crank to dis- tribute grease.
Engine Lubrication
The two cycle engine used in this snow thrower is lubri- cated by the fuel and oil mixture. Observe recommended fuel to oil mixture ratio shown on page 9.
Figure 9. Lightly oil pivot point
Figure 10. Grease the Discharge Chute Ring