Regular Maintenance
It is very important that grease fittings on the auger shaft are lubricated regularly. If auger rusts to shaft, damage to worm gear may occur if shear pins do not break.
To prevent wheels rusting to axles, it is also necessary to remove the wheels and grease the axles regularly.
Remove wheels and grease axles once each year.
Figure 10. Chute Lubrication
Apply medium weight (10W) oil to points shown (See
Figures 10-13).
Apply 5W-50 synthetic motor oil to the friction disk drive hex shaft (A, Figure 11).
Generally, all moving metal parts should be oiled where contact is made with other parts. Keep oil and grease off belts, pulley grooves, drive disc, and friction disc.
Use grease fittings when present. Disassemble Greaseparts to locationsapply greaseindicatedto movingby greaseparts gunwhensymbolgrease. fittings are not installed.
Figure 11. Drive Lubrication
A. Hex Shaft
allow oil to drip onto traction drive or friction disc. Oil locations indicated by oil can symbol. Do not
Do not lubricate remote deflector control.
Figure 12. Grease Axles & Lubricate Control Levers
(Channel Handle Model Shown)
Figure 13. Lubricate Deflector Hinges