Sioux Tools 5040 manual Foreseen Use Of TheTool, Work Stations, Putting Into Service, Operating

Models: 5040

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Foreseen Use Of TheTool -5040

The impactwrench is designedfor the tightening and I m n i n gof threaded fastener withinthe range as specifiedby the manufacturer. It shouldonly be usedin conjunctionwith suitable impacttype 3W squarefemale drive nut runningsockets. Only use socketsw h i i are

of the impact type.

It is allwed to use suitable extensionbars, universaljoints and socket adaptors b e W n the square output drive of the ratchetwrench and thefemale square drive of the socket.

Do not use the tool for any other purpose than that sptxified without consulting the manufacturer or the manufacturet'sauthorized supplier.To do $0 may be dangemus.

Never use an impact wrench as a hammer to dislodge or straightencmssthreaded fasteners. Never attempt to modifythe tool for other uses and never modifythe t d for even its recommendeduseas a nutrunner.

Work Stations

The tool shoutdonlybe usedas a handheld, handoperatedtool. ltisalways recommendedthatthetoolis usedwhen stadngon a solid floor. It can be used in other positions, but before any such use, the operator must be in a secure positionhavinga firm grip and footing and be aware that when loosening fastenersthe t d can m e quite quickly away from the fastener being undone. An allowance must always be made for this rearwardmovementso as to avoidthepossibility of hand'amhdyentrapment.

Putting Into Service

Air Supply

Usea cleaniubtkatedair supply that will give a measuredair pressure at the toolof !XI PSIG(6.2 bar) whenthe tool is runningwith the


tri~erflW8rfully depressed. Use recammendedhose Size and lenath. It is recommendedthat the tool is connectedto the air supply as


s & m infigure1.Do notconnectthe tool to the air linesystemwithzut incorporatingan easy to reachandoperate air shut off valve.-he


air supply should be lubricated. It is strongly recommendedthat an air filter, regulator, lubricator(FRL)is us& as shown In Figure Ias


thii will supply clean, lubricatedair at the correct pressureto the tool. Details of such equipment can be obtained from your supplier. If


suchequipmentis not used, thenthe tool shouklbe lubricatedby shuttingoff theair supplyto the t d , depressurizingthe linebypressing

the trigger on the t d . D i i n n e c t the air line and pour into the hose adaptor a teaspoonful (5ml) of a suitable pneumatic motor


lubricatingoil preferably incorporating a rust inhibiior. Reconnecttool to air supply and run t d slowly for a few seconds to albw air to


circulatethe oil. If tool is usedfreauentlv. lubricateon daii basis and if tool starts to slow or lose mwer.


It is recommendedthat Wnt tight& &the threadedfasiener assembly be checked with a torque wrench.


It is recommendedthat the air pressure at the tool while the tool is tunning is 90PSU6.2 bar.




The output of the impact wrench inprime workingconditionis governed by mainly three factors:


a)the input air pressure;

b)the time the impact wrench is operatedon the jomt. Normaitime for joints of average tension requirement3 to 5 seconds;

c)the settingof the air regulator for a g h n joint at a given pressureoperatedfor a giventime.

The air regulator (47) can be used to regulate the output of the impact wrench if no other means of control is available. It is strongly recommendedthat an externalpressure regulator, ideallyas parlof a filterlregulatorflubricator(FRL), is usedto controlair inletpressure so that the pressure can be set to help controlthe tension requidto be applied to the threaded fastener joint.

There is no consistent, reliabletoque adjustmenton an impact wrench of this type. However, the air regulator can be used to adjust tomue to the awmximate tiahtness of a known threaded ioint.To set the tool to the desired tome. select a nut or screw of known tightness of the &me size, t6read pitchand thread condiik as those on the job.Turn air regulatoitolow position, apply wrench to nut andgraduallyincreasepower (turn regulatorto admit momair) untilnut movesslightlyinthe directionitwas originallyset.Thet d is now set to duplicate that tightness, note regulatorsetting for future use. When tightening nuts not requiringcritical toque values, run nut up flush andthen tightenan addiionalonequarlerto onehalf turn( & i t additional turningis necessaryif gasketsare beingclamped).For additionalpower neededon disassembly work, turn regulatorto itsfully open position.This impactwrench is rated a 3/8" bolt size.

Ratingmustbedowngradedfor springUbolts, tie bolts, longcap screws, double depth nuts, badlyrustedconditionsandspringfasteners asthey absorb muchof the impact power. When posdtie, clamp or wedge the bolt to preventspringback.

Soak rusted nutsin penetratingoil andbreak rust sealbeforeremovingwith impact wrench. If nut does not start to move in three to five seconds use a largersize impact wrench. Do not use impact wrench beyondrated capacity as this will drastically reducetool liie. NOTE: Actual toque on a fastener is directlyrelatedto joint hardness, tool speed, conditionof socket andthe time the toolis allowedto immct.

use the simplest possible tool-to-socket hook up. Everyconnectionabsoh energyand reducespaver.

The directionof mtationof thii tool Iscontmlledby the throttlelever. Be sure that it is knownw h i i side ol the lever has to be pressedto give the required directionof mtatiinbefore applyingthe impactwrench to the joint to be fastenedor loosened.

For best resuns:

I ) Always use the correct size impacttypesocket.

2)Use extra deep sockets in placeof extension barswhere possible.

3)Do not use oversized, worn or cracked sockets.

4)Holdthe wrench so the socket fits squarelyon the fastener. Holdthe wrench firmly, but not too tightly, pressingslightly forward.

Dismantling & Assembly Instructions

Disconnecttool from air supply.

Pryoff rubbernoseguard(I) frommotorhousing(5). Removeoiler screw (3) andO-ring(4)anddrainoilfromthe front end intoa suitable container. Gripthetool ina viselocatingonthe squaredriveof theanvil (12). Unscrew2 screws(50)and remove 2 lockwashers (49) and retainerplate (48). Pullout air regulator(47) completewithO-ring(46)beingcarefulnotto loseball(44) andspring (45).Tappin(36) with a suitable punchas fas as possibleout of the assembly, butstillallow the assembly to mtate. It is now necessaryto grip the lengthof the pindriventhroughthe assembly and pull it out taking care not to deformit. LiftOffcollar (37) and pullout inlet bushing(43). O-rings(41)and (42) may be removedfrom the stem on inlet bushing(43). Unscrew2 cap screws (39) and 2 cap screws (40) and remove together with 4 lock washers (38) to releasebat# cap(30)andgasket (29)from the assembly. At this stage, removethrottle lever (7)together with

2throttie Pins(6). Fmmbackcap assemblypulloff 2 plungers(31)and remove2 Springs (32) and 2 valves (33).It isthen possibleto lever out 2 valve seats (34) and 2 springs (35) taking care to protecttheeyesas the springscanfly out when released. Pullout mtor pin (22) and extract the ayemblycomprisingof retaining ring (28). rear end plate (26). bearing (27), mtor (24),6 mtorblades (23) and cylinder

(25).Noteat this tlme the way the cylinder(25) ir removedandnotethat it mustbe reassembledinthe same way with the chamferon the outside diameterto endface at the fmnt endof thetool. Removemtor blades(23) from mtor (24), takeoff retainingring(28) andpullmtor

(24)through rear end plate (26) and bearing (27) assembly. Usinga suitable punch, bearing (27) may be removedfrom rear end plate (261, Pullout front end plate (21) completewith O-ring (20) and carefully pry off the O-ring, Remove bearing(17) and oil seal (18) from front end plate (21). Removeretainingring(19) from motor housing (5) and take out the completehammermechanism.Take off O-ring

(15)fromcage (16) to removehammer(14). 2 cagepins(13) andanvil(12).O-ring (10) maybeleveredoff andO-ring ( I 1)removedfrom anvil (12). oilseal (2) may be hookedout of and anvil bushing(8) pressedout of motor housing (5).

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Sioux Tools 5040 manual Foreseen Use Of TheTool, Work Stations, Putting Into Service, Operating