'0n/Off'valve 10 exhaust the air from the feed hose
before figing, removing or adjusting the working
attachment filted to the W.
-Before using h e t d , mike sure that a shut off device has been fitted to the air supply line and the positim is known and easily accessible so that the air supply to the 1001 can be &ut off in an emergency.
-Check hose and fitlings regularly for wear-
-Take care against entangtementof the moving park of the t d
very dangerous.
-It is expected that users will adopt safe working praclices and observe all local, rdimal and country
legal requirements when installing, using or maintaining the tool.
be contaminated by oil droplets. When first lubricating a 1001 or if the tool exhaust has a high oil content, do not allow the exhaust air to come near very h.ot surfaces or flames.
disconnect from Ar supply and store in a dry average room tertyeralure environment.
- Do not r e m e any manufacturer a t i d safely d-
where fitted,
stfetch or overreach.
-Try to match tfw tml to the work operalion. Do not use a tml that istoo light or heavyfor the work operation.If in doubL seek adGce.
-In general terms, this tool i s not suitable for undewater use or use in explm*ve e ~ m n m e n t s- seek advice from mndaclurer.
possible; try toclear unnecessary obsmctim b b t 9
skrtjng work.
Foreseen Use Uf TheToot
Putting Into Service
Air Suppiy
Use a dmn lubiiated air supply that will give a measured air
p~ r ate tool d90 ps.iJ6.2 bar h e n the too4 is mning withlhe
and Ie+. It is r m m n d d that the tool is connected to me air supplyasshw~~mQure I.Oa notmnmct the tool to 4he air G n e systemwithout ifmporatingan isytoreachand operateair shut off valve. The air supply should be lubricated. It is strongly r m r n a e d that an air Mer, regulator. lubricator (FRL) is used as shown in F ~ u r eIasWis will supply clean, lubrbted air at me correct ~ e s s u r eto the tod. Details d such equipment m n be
obtained from your
tad, dq~essurizMgthe I'mtq p&ng the biggerfiever on the
W. Disconnect the air line and pour into the W e adaptor a teaspmnful (5ml) of a suitable pneumatic motor l u b m l i q oil preferably iworpraiing a net inh'#)iior.Reconnect t d to air supply and run tool slowly for a few seconds to allow air lo circulate the oil- If &I is used frequenw. lubricatecn daiiy basis
and iltool starts to slow or I- | power. |
11is r w m m d e d
wnniq is 90 psU6.2 bar.
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