Model 5434 & 5434KL

Form # 2482

Date 2-98/~

3/8"Capacity Straight Drill



Readthese instructionscarefully before Installing, operating, servicing or repairingthis tool. Keep these InstructionsIn a safe accessible place.


1 Operator Instructions I

Use -SafetyGloves


Use -SafetyBoots


Use -Breathing Masks



AlwaysWear SafetyGoggles

ores seen Use

wear HearingProtection

Work Stations

Putting Into Service

Avoid ProlongedExposure


o Vibration

Dismantling and Assembly.

Safety rules when using a 5434 & 5434KL Drill or 5434TBTire Buffer

-Use may produce flying objects. Always use safety goggles.

-Use accessories ratedat W e 2,500RPM.

-Prolongedexposure to vibrationmay cause Injury.

-ReadallInstnxfiCTTCbeforeusingthtetoot.Atopeiatiremust befuKytainedInitsusaandawareofthesesafety nies.

-Do not exceedthe maximumworking air pressure.

-Use personalprotectionequipmentas recommended.

-Use compressedair only at the recommended conditions.

-If the tool appears to malfunction, remove from use Immediatelyandarrange for serviceandrepair.lf hIS not practicalto removetoolfromservice, (hen shutoff the air supply to the toot and write or have written a warning note andattach it to thetoot.

-If tool Isto be used with a balanceror other suspension device, ensure that the tool is firmly attached to the suspensidsupport device.

-When operating the tool. always keep the body and particularlythe handsawayfromthe working,attachment fixed tothe tool.

-The toolIsnotelectricallyInsulated. Neverusethe tool If there Is any -chance of coming Into contact with live electricity.

-Always when using the tool, adopt a finn footing and/or positionand grip the tool sufficiently only to 6wrcorne any reaction forces that may result from the too) doing work. Do not overgrip.

-Useonly con-actspare partsformaintenanceancfrepadr. Do not Improvise or make temporary repairs. Major servicing and repairs should only be

andeasily accessible sothat the alrsupplyto the tool can be shut off Inan emergency.

-Check hose andfittings regularly (orwear.

-Take care against entanglementof the moving parts of the tool with clothing, hair, ties, cleaning rags, rings, jewelry, watches,bracelets, etc.Thiscouldcausethe body or parts of the bodyto be drawn towards and in contact with the moving parts of the tool and could be very dangerous.

-ItIs expectedthatuserswill adopt safe woridng practices andobservaalllocal, regionalorcountrylegalrequirements when Installing, usingor maintaining(he tool.

-Take care thatthe exhaustair does notpointtowardsany other person or material or substance that could be -3ontaminatedby dldroplets. When firo$lubricatingatool or If the toot exhaust has high ofl content, do not allow the exhaustair to come nearvery hotsurfacesor flames.

-Neverlay the tool downuntilthe workingattachmenthas stopped moving.

-When the tool is not in use. shut off the air supply and press throttle triggerAever to drain the supply line. Ifthe tool Is not to In used (or a period of time, first lubricate, disconnectfromair supply andstore Inadryaverageroom temperature environment

-If the tool Is passed from one user to a new or Inexperi- encedusor, make sure these Instructionsare availableto be passedwith the tool.

-Do not remove any manufacturer fitted safety devices where fitted, I.8.. wheel guards, safety trigger, speed governors, etc.

-DO not taps,wire, etc. the WOW valve In 'Onaposition. The throttle trigger/ fever, etc. must always be free to return to the 'Off'position when released.

-Ahvfwsshutoffthealrsupptytothetool and pressthe"On/Offvalveto exhaust the air from the lead hose before fitting, removing or adjusting the W n g attachment fittedtothe tool.


shut off device has beenfitted to the supply One and the position Is knowncarriedoutbvnereonstminedtodoso.



RecommendedAir Supply System

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Sioux Tools 5434KL manual Ores seen Use