Slant/Fin GF-211D warranty Changing The Uv Bulb

Models: GF-211D

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9.To clean exterior surfaces, use a solution of water and mild detergent with a wrung-out damp cloth. Rinse and wring out the cloth and wipe the exterior surfaces again. Finally, wipe with a dry cloth. Allow sufficient time to dry before plugging the electrical cord into the outlet.

10.Replace tank. Plug in the unit and resume normal use.


1.If the “REPLACE UV BULB” indicator illumi- nates during normal use, it is time to change the UV bulb, which is a special 3.5W bulb.

2.Press “POWER/MODE” touch switch to the “OFF” position, unplug it and allow it to cool.

3.Remove the water tank from the base of the


GF-211D Shown

4.Place the base of the humidifier over the sink and tilt the unit to remove any remaining water.

5.Carefully turn the base of the humidifier over and place it upside down on a flat level surface. You will see a door that is closed with a screw.

6.Using a Phillips head screwdriver, carefully turn the screw(s) counterclock- wise until the screw(s) separate from the door.

7.Open the door. The UV light bulb will be visible.

8.Take a replacement 3.5W UV bulb that you purchased from Slant/Fin Corporation or another supplier and change the bulb. To prolong the life of the bulb, limit your direct contact with the glass of the bulb by using a cloth or tissue to screw it into place.

9.When the new bulb is in place, close the door and replace the screw(s) by using your Phillips head screwdriver and rotating it clockwise until it is just tight. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.

10.DO NOT turn power on, while UV Lamp Door is open, and do not view illu- minated bulb directly because eye damage may occur.

11.Turn the unit upright, place the water tank on top of the base of the humidifi- er, plug the unit in, and push “POWER/MODE” touch switch to either the “HI” or “LO” position. The “REPLACE UV BULB” indicator should no longer be lit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though you will not receive maximum germicidal effects, you can still use your humidifier until the replacement bulb arrives.

NOTE: You will hear a rattling sound and notice a small round object inside your bulb. This is normal. Your bulb is fully operational.

Lamp contains mercury. Manage in accordance with disposal laws. See or call 1-800-895-8842


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Slant/Fin GF-211D warranty Changing The Uv Bulb