Standard accessories
Your SMART Table comes with the following accessories:
USB bracelet
Power cable specific to your country
Cabinet keys
Projector remote control
Installation instructions
Warranty information
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
UPS installation instructions

The USB bracelet

The USB bracelet contains the SMART Table
software as well as a PDF copy of this guide,
which you can view with Adobe® Reader. Use the
bracelet to install the software when you first set
up your SMART Table. Afterward, you can use it
to do the following:
Install the SMART Table Toolkit on a Windows® or Mac OS computer
Install new activity packs and applications on your SMART Table
Update any SMART Table software
The USB bracelet can store up to 2 GB of files (preloaded software takes up
about 1 GB of the 2 GB memory).
If you lose your SMART USB bracelet, order a new one from your reseller, or
use another generic USB drive.
The SMART Table Toolkit is also available for download from smarttech.com/