Turning On Your Interactive Display
To turn on the
interactive display
1. Turn on the computer.
2. Press the main power switch on the bottom terminal panel to turn on the
interactive display. For more information about the bottom terminal panel, see
page 18.
Your computer’s logon screen or desktop appears on the screen. If you don’t see
either, refer to the Troubleshooting on page29.
You can interact with the computer using a keyboard or mouse. In order to interact
by touch with the interactive display, you need to install SMART software.
Installing SMART SoftwareTo use the interactive display, you need to install software on the interactive display’s
computer. This software includes:
• SMART Product Drivers, which enables touch interactivity and digital ink.
• SMART Notebook collaborative learning software from the included
installation CD.
SMART Meeting Pro Premium collaboration software from an Internet download.
Installing SMART Notebook on Your Computer
The SMART Notebook CD includes two components:
• SMART Product Drivers
• SMART Notebook
• An Internet connection is recommended during installation to get a software
activation key and download software updates.
• For computer requirements, see the SMART Notebook release notes
(document 126571).
To install
SMART Notebook and
SMART Product Drivers
1. Place the included installation CD in the computer’s CD tray.
The installation wizard appears.