Chapter 2: Extending the USB ofSMARTBoard 800i seriesinteractive whiteboard systems
Extendingthe USB with a bus-powered(active) extension cable 7
Using a singleU SB-XT extensionc able 8
Using multipleU SB-XT extensionc ables 9
Extendingthe USB with a CAT5-XT-1100(active) extender 10
Using a CAT5-XT-1100extender 10
Using a CAT5-XT-1100extenderand a self-poweredUSB hub 11
Using a USB-XT extension cableor a SMARTGoWire cable anda CA T5-XT-1100extender 12
Extendingthe USB with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 13
Using anSB X800CAT5-XTextender 13
Using a SMARTGoWirecable with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 13
This section illustrates how you can extendt heUS B connectionbetween your computerand your
SMARTBoard800 series interactivew hiteboardsystem.
SMARTinteractivewhiteboard systems combine a SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboardw ith a
SMART short throw orultra-short-throwprojector, a multiuser pent ray anda control panel that
enablesteachers to manageall classroom technology productsf romthe front of the classroom.
If you’re extendingthe USB connection to SMARTBoard 800series interactive whiteboardst hat
aren’tconnected to a SMARTprojector,see Ext endingthe USB of SMAR TBoard800 series
interactivewhiteboards on page 1.
Extending the USB with a bus-powered (active)
extension cable
Youcan use the USB-XT ext ensioncable to extend the 16' (5 m) USB A to mini-B cable included with
yourinteractive whiteboards ystem.
Chapter 2