Chapter 2: Extending the USB ofSMARTBoard 800i seriesinteractive whiteboard systems
Extendingthe USB with a bus-powered(active) extension cable 7
Using a singleU SB-XT extensionc able 8
Using multipleU SB-XT extensionc ables 9
Extendingthe USB with a CAT5-XT-1100(active) extender 10
Using a CAT5-XT-1100extender 10
Using a CAT5-XT-1100extenderand a self-poweredUSB hub 11
Using a USB-XT extension cableor a SMARTGoWire cable anda CA T5-XT-1100extender 12
Extendingthe USB with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 13
Using anSB X800CAT5-XTextender 13
Using a SMARTGoWirecable with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 13
This section illustrates how you can extendt heUS B connectionbetween your computerand your
SMARTBoard800 series interactivew hiteboardsystem.
SMARTinteractivewhiteboard systems combine a SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboardw ith a
SMART short throw orultra-short-throwprojector, a multiuser pent ray anda control panel that
enablesteachers to manageall classroom technology productsf romthe front of the classroom.
If you’re extendingthe USB connection to SMARTBoard 800series interactive whiteboardst hat
aren’tconnected to a SMARTprojector,see Ext endingthe USB of SMAR TBoard800 series
interactivewhiteboards on page 1.

Extending the USB with a bus-powered (active)

extension cable

Youcan use the USB-XT ext ensioncable to extend the 16' (5 m) USB A to mini-B cable included with
yourinteractive whiteboards ystem.

Chapter 2