Extendingthe USB with a bus-powered(active) extension cable 2
Using a singleU SB-XT extensionc able 2
Using multipleU SB-XT extensionc ables 2
Extendingthe USB with a CAT5-XT-1100(active) extender 3
Using a SMARTCAT5-XT-1100extender 3
Using a CAT5-XT-1100extenderand a self-poweredUSB hub 3
Using a USB-XT extension cableor a SMARTGoWire™ auto-launchcable with a CAT5-XT-
1100extenderand a self-poweredU SB hub 4
Extendingthe USB with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 5
Using anSB X800CAT5-XTextender 5
Using a SMARTGoWirecable with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 5
This section illustrates how you can extendt heUS B connectionbetween your computerand your
SMARTBoard®800 series interactivew hiteboard.
If you’re extendingthe USB connection to a SMARTBoard 800iseries interactive whiteboard
system, see Extending the USB of SMARTBoard 800iseries interactive whiteboards ystems on
Chapter 1