Located on right side of seat. The following are located on or near the
control panel.
A. Choke: The choke is used in starting the engine. Pull choke
out to close choke plate when starting cold engine, push in
when engine starts. A warm engine may not require "choking"
to start.
B. Hand Throttle: This hand throttle is used for hose/handgun
spraying, boom spraying and sprayer calibration. It controls
engine RPM, forward for fast, opposite direction for slow. (Not
to be used when in motion)..
C. Spray Boss Control: Engages and disengages speed boss.
Forward is engage and all the way back is disengage. When
the lever is engaged it sets a stop for the accelerator. The
accelerator pedal must be used to maintain this speed. To
adjust speed use the knob on the end of the lever, counter
clockwise increases speed and clockwise decreases speed.
Disengage the lever and you will have full accelerator pedal
D. Right and Left Boom Switches: These toggle switches are
used to raise and lower the right and left electric actuated booms.
E. Boom Levers: (Hydraulic Lift Kit)
F. Park Brake: Push to the front and down to set park brake and pull back to
release. Some adjustments can be made to park brake by turning knob on
the of the lever. To tighten, turn knob clockwise. To loosen turn counter
Foamer ON/OFF Switch: Located to the right of the control panel.
Used to turn on and off the foam marker. Also, used to designate
which boom is to be used to dispense foam. With lever pointing
toward the seat foam will dispense from right boom, and with lever
pointing forward foam will dispense from the left boom.
Foamer Adjustment Knob(G): Located behind the seat on the
right side on top of the foamer. Use this knob to adjust pressure of
the foam that will be dispensed.
Pressure must be set with sprayer in operation (booms on). Increase pres-
sure by pushing the pressure adjustment handle upwards. Once the console
reaches maximum pressure, the motorized control valve in the sprayer then
begins to open and pressure begins to decrease. Push switch in either direc-
tion until desired pressure is reached. The system provides operation of one,
two or three booms and it controls sprayer pressure indicated by a wet pres-
sure gauge on the vehicle. The pressure gauge reads the pressure in psi.
The control system is operated by the 12 volt electrical system of the vehicle.
The master switch controls all boom switches. Boom switch #1 controls left
boom, boom switch #2 controls center boom, and boom switch #3 controls
right boom. Pressure switch increases or decreases spraying pressure
through the motorized control valve.