Depress until DATA display flashes. A low limit flow rate may now be entered.
If actual volume Per minute falls below this limit, the Control Valve stops closing, the Alarm sounds and the rate
display flashes “LL”. The low limit value should be determined with all Booms “on”. This value is automatically
proportional to the percentage of Booms that are “on”. (i.e. If the entered low limit is 4 CAL/ MIN and half the
Total Boom length is shut off, the Console automatically reduces the low limit to 2 GAL/MIN)
Depress until DATA display flashes. The first digit (XOOO), is the Control Valve delay digit. This feature
allows the user to set a delay between the time the Booms are turned on and when the Console begins to con-
trol the flow rate. A value of 1-9 means a delay of 1-9 seconds test respectively. A value of 0 means no delay.
This delay is active if the time between turning off and turning on the Booms is less than 30 seconds.
INITIAL CONSOLE SETUP1. Fill tank with water only. (If positive displacement type pump is used, fully open pressure relief valve,
PRV.) Open gate valve between the tank and pump.
2. Place MASTER On/Off to On and Boom On/Off switches to Off.
3. Place MAN/RATE 1/RATE 2 switch to MAN.
4. Place POWER On/Off switch to On.
5. Verify correct boom widths, speed calibration, meter calibration, valve calibration (2123), RATE 1 calibra-
tion and RATE 2 calibration have been entered in console. Enter into SELF TEST the normal sprayer
operating speed.
6. Run pump at normal operating RPM.
7. Verify that each boom solenoid valve operates and that no nozzles are plugged by operating Boom On/
Off switches.
8. Place all Boom On/Off switches to On.
9. Hold the MAN ADJ switch in INCR position for approximately 12 seconds. This assures motorized control
valve is fully open. Verify maximum pressure and RATE.
10. Adjust agitator line hand valve for desired agitation. Use the pressure gage on the rear of the machine to
verify maximum pressure is still present.
11. Hold the MAN ADJ switch in DECR position for approximately 12 seconds. This assures motorized
control valve is fully closed. Verify minimum pressure and RATE can be achieved. If not, consider bypass
plumbing system in Appendix 3.