into multiple collision domains, yet cost-effective enough to
allow users to dedicate bandwidth to workstations, file servers
and print servers.
At the desktop level, switches can replace Ethernet hubs. By
providing servers and high-performance workstations with dedi-
cated 10 Mbps LAN connections, switches boost the throughput
and performance of bandwidth intensive applications, such as
imaging, CAD/CAM and relational database access.
At the workgroup level, switches can coexist with Ethernet
hubs. Cascading the hubs to switches, rather than to each other,
reduces the number of users on each segment. This boosts net-
work performance and increases the bandwidth per user.

Switched Fast Ethernet — High-Speed Data Pipes

Further bandwidth gains can be attained through the use of Fast
Ethernet technology, which provides a 10-fold increase in the
data rate per segment. Switching technology enables the seam-
less integration of Ethernet and Fast Ethernet LANs, while
preserving the basic network operation and frame format. By
adjusting the mix of shared and switched Ethernet and Fast
Ethernet ports, a truly scalable plan can be developed for every
LAN configuration — one that is capable of providing the
necessary amount of bandwidth to each location.

Switching — an Evolutionary Step

The introduction of switching technology into Ethernet net-
works is an evolutionary step. Ethernet switches allow
companies to preserve their investment in the current network
infrastructure. They increase the bandwidth and performance
of the network without requiring costly changes to LAN cabling
or replacement of network cards, applications and the network
operating system.