Soundscape Mixpander
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Congratulations for your purchase of an SSL Soundscape Mixpander PCI audio card.
This user guide describes the use of the SSL Soundscape Mixpander DSP-powered audio card in
conjunction with the XLogic Alpha-Link Converter series. For more information on using the SSL
Soundscape Mixpander as a DSP expansion card with the Soundscape 32 DAW, please refer
directly to the Soundscape Editor manual.
Please be assured that the SSL Soundscape Mixpander will provide you with many years of
reliable service and a level of audio quality normally associated with systems costing several times
its price, while its expandability, the ergonomics of the software and the worldwide customer
support from Solid State Logic are unmatched at any price.
IMPORTANT: Please register your SSL Soundscape Mixpander audio card on our website.
This will ensure that you receive notifications of future software upgrades and other
important information, and that your guarantee is registered. Registration will also make
you eligible for technical support. The Solid State Logic home page is at: http://www.solid-
Solid State Logic is committed to the development and marketing of top-class solutions for native
PC-based digital audio recording systems.
The SSL Soundscape Mixpander PCI card, used in combination with our Alpha-Link audio
converter products, delivers the most powerful input/output, DSP-powered mixing, effects and
processing solution for PC-based audio recording and editing systems.
The included SSL Soundscape Mixer software, a high-end application based on the mixer section
of the SSL Soundscape Editor DAW software, offers unparalleled flexibility and ease of use. Its
functionality goes far beyond that of a basic routing system between the external inputs and
outputs and your native audio applications, offering a totally configurable mixer architecture and
support for Soundscape format DSP-powered plug-ins from Solid State Logic and third party
developers including Cedar Audio, Dolby Laboratories Inc., Wave Mechanics, TC Electronic, Sonic
Timeworks, Aphex Systems, Arboretum Systems, Spinaudio, Drawmer, Acuma Labs and
Algorithmix. VST plug-ins running on the host PC’s CPU can also be inserted directly in the
Soundscape Mixer. Naturally, simple preset mixer configurations can be loaded for basic routing
tasks if you wish to work from a single, native application.
The SSL Soundscape Mixpander PCI card and associated software run under Microsoft®
Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP.