Soundscape Mixpander
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numbered and colour-coded according to the streams they are assigned to). Double-clicking these
elements calls up a dialog box where you can enable or disable the “Mix input always” function.
Mix input always is disabled by default when you place a new Track Insert in a mixer column.
However, in the case of the default 64 Ch Mixer configuration, we have enabled it for all Track
Inserts, so that the input signal can flow through the corresponding channels even when you have
not yet started your recording application. When playing back audio from your recording
application, you will need to disable Mix input always, otherwise the input signal will be mixed
with the signal received from the recording application.
The output signals from mixer columns 1 to 32 are all sent to mixer
column 33, where they are summed. Mixer column 33 outputs the
resulting summed signal via the first digital output pair of the
XLogic Alpha-Link (AES 1-2 in this example, based on an XLogic
Alpha-Link MADI SX). Send elements also route the signal to the
first pair of analogue outputs (ANA 1-2), in case your monitoring
system needs an analogue connection, and to the last pair of
analogue outputs (ANA 23-24), which is duplicated at the
headphone output, in case you choose to monitor via headphones.
Mixer columns 34, 35 and 36 receive their signals from the send
elements in mixer columns 1 to 32, and route them to mixer column
33 (effectively the “Master L/R” mixer column) via Bus 1-2. When
you start editing the mixer configuration yourself, you can insert
send effects in these mixer columns.