5. SSL Console EQ and Filters

SSL Console Bundle for MX4

Page 12

Special EQ ControlsFilter Knobs

The filter pots have an OUT position, which removes the filters independently from the signal chain.

The LP filter potentially has a maximum frequency of 35kHz.

According to the Nyquist theorem, the possible bandwidth of a digital system is 0.5 x sample rate. This means that with sample rates below 70 kHz the LP maximum of 35kHz can not be reached.

Therefore moving the LP filter above 0.49 x sample rate will switch the filter directly to the OUT position. At 44.1kHz this will happen if the pot is turned further than 21.609 Hz.

EQ Graph

This area contains the equalisation curve and the EQ band nodes. The nodes allow you to control frequency, gain and Q-Factor simultaneously. The EQ- Graph can be switched On/Off with the GRAPH button.

Changing Frequency Gain and Q-Factor

For the filters, the X-axis is used to change the cut-off frequency

The low and high EQ bands use the X-axis to change frequency and the Y- axis to change gain

The low-mid and high-mid bands additionally have the Q-Parameter.

The Q-Factor can be changed with the scroll wheel of the mouse whilst the X and Y axis are used to change frequency and gain respectively.

TIP: The Graph Edit Window allows the user to very quickly manipulate the plug-in, as it reduces mouse movements significantly and allows very quick adjustment of multiple bands. To reset a whole bands parameters in the EQ graph window simply press CTRL+double click on the band node or by using the Instant Compare Function.

TIP2:The EQ curve in the graph window also indicates clipping; the whole EQ curve turns into a deep red colour once clipping has occurred. This indication is set to a fixed reset time of 1 second and is not affected by the settings made in the clipping right click menu.

The graph provides an accurate readout of the current equalisation curve.