Speaker Adjustments

Pivoting Tweeter

The Merlot 422MRspeaker has a pivoting tweeter that allows you to direct
sound towards or away from the listening area, depending on how the
speakers are being used:
• If you’re using the speakers in stereo or as the front left/center/right
speakers in a home theater, pivot the tweeter directly towards the listening
area. This will help the sound from the speakers blend into a solid sound-
stage even if the speakers are widely separated.
• If you’re using the speakers as surround channel speakers in a home
theater, you can create a more diffuse, spacious surround effect by
pivoting the tweeters towards a wall or window, away from the listeners.
TToo PPiivvoott tthhee TTwweeeetteerr::
Apply light pressure to the plastic ring around the outside edge of the tweeter
dome, as shown in
Figure 9
. Take care not to touch or apply pressure to the
tweeter dome itself.

Figure 9: Pivoting the Tweeter