Remote control

Cannot delete an
Is the memory card write-
cUse the device you are using to cancel
write-protection and try deleting again.
Is the write-protect switch of
the memory card in the
“LOCK” position?
cSlide the write-protect switch to the
enable position.
Are you using a “Memory
cIt is not possible to delete an image from
or format a “Memory Stick-ROM”.
Is this image protected? cCheck the image information from the
single view mode. (.page 16)
An image with a mark is set to Read
Only. You cannot delete it on this unit.
An image was
cAn image cannot be recovered once it is
Symptom Check item Cause/Solutions
Nothing happens
even if you operate
the remote control.
Is the battery inserted in the
remote control properly?
cReplace the battery. (.page 20)
cInsert a battery. (.page 20)
cInsert a battery in the proper orientation.
(.page 20)
cPoint the top end of the remote control
towards the remote sensor on this unit.
(.page 20)
cRemove any obstruction between the
remote control and the remote sensor.
Is the protective sheet in the
remote control?
cPull the protective sheet out of the remote
control. (. page 20)
Symptom Check item Cause/Solutions