HDMI is an interface that supports both video and audio on a single digital connection. The HDMI connection carries standard- to high- definition video signals and
The HDMI specification supports HDCP
LTH (Low to High) (page 59)
LTH is a recording system that supports organic pigment type
PhotoTV HD (page 38)
“PhotoTV HD” allows for a
An enhanced menu operation available on
x.v.Color (page 44)
x.v.Color is a familiar term for the xvYCC standard proposed by Sony.
xvYCC is an international standard for Color space in video.
This standard can express a wider color range than the currently used broadcast standard.
24p True Cinema (page 43)
Movies shot with a film camera consist of 24 frames per second.
Since conventional televisions (both CRT and flat panels) display frames either at 1/60 or 1/50 second intervals, the 24 frames do not appear at an even pace.
When connected to a TV with 24p capabilities, the player displays each frame at 1/24 second intervals — the same interval originally shot with the film camera, thus faithfully reproducing the original cinema image.
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