Allow enough time for replacement. Make sure that the new material arrives at the network player at least 15 seconds before the playlist is to start.

Attributes such as text type, speed, the number of times to be displayed, and so on, will be those of the bitmap text that was specified last. However, the text type may change as shown in the following table, depending on whether the width of the original bitmap text is more than 720 pixels. Check the attributes, and modify them if necessary.

Text type of the

Text type of the

Text type of the replaced

most recently

replaced bitmap text

bitmap text

specified bitmap

(720-pixel width or less)

(More than 720-pixel width)


No change (Constant)

Changed to Scroll


No change (Blink)

Changed to Scroll

Scroll in

Changed to Constant

No change (Scroll in)


Changed to Constant

No change (Scroll)

Specifying the Date for Automatic Deletion

Right-click the desired material in the Material Management window, then click [Set Delete Date] or [Clear Delete Date]. When you click [Set Delete Date], a calendar appears. Select the date for deletion, then click [OK].