Device Control Command Preparation

The system provides external device control functions for use upon playout from the network players, such as turning on and off or switching the input lines of a plasma display panel, or sending GPI (General Purpose Interface) pulses to devices connected to the RS-232C connector of a network player.

To control an external device, create a device control command and send it to the network players. This device control command is included in the events of a playlist to control the external device during playout.

The BZNP-100 also enables you to create commands to control the NSP-100 network players, and use them in the urgent playout procedure to control the network players. (You cannot insert those files into the playlists, though.)

1Click [Material Management] on the main menu to open the Material Management window.

2Select the Control tab, then click [New].

The Edit Control (External Device/NSP-100) dialog box appears.

3Enter the type and title of the device control command to be created in the Type and Title text boxes, respectively.

This information is used to identify each device control command.

4Click the PDP Control option button to control the plasma display panel connected to the network player, or the GPI Control option button to control any other type of external device.

5If the PDP Control option button is selected, select the desired control from the Control drop-down list box.

If the GPI Control option button is selected, check the GPI pulse to be output. You can check more than one check box simultaneously.

6Click [OK].

The newly created device control command appears in the Material Management window.

Creating a Control Command for the Network Players

Select the NSP-100 Control option button in step 4 in the procedure above, type the command for the network players in the Control text box, then click [OK].


Control commands for network players cannot be inserted into a playlist.

An erroneous control command may result network player problems.

Refer to the protocol manual of the network player for details on how to enter a control command. Ask your supplier or Sony sales representative about the protocol manual.

Modifying a Device Control Command

Right-click the desired control command on the Material Management window, then click [Edit] on the menu. This displays the Edit Control (External Device/NSP-100) dialog box containing the selected control command data. Modify the command as needed, then click [OK].

To modify the type and/or title of a piece of material, double-click the type or title column of the desired material in the Material Management window. This enables editing in that column. Press the Enter key to complete the modification.