Identifying the Parts
$¼ $Á
#¦ EJECT switch (p. 11)
#¥ LANC l control jack
lstands for Local Application Control Bus System. The l control jack is used for controlling the tape transport of video equipment and peripherals connected to it. This jack has the same function as the jack indicated as CONTROL L or REMOTE.
#» Cassette compartment (p. 11) $¼ Grip strap (p. 17)
$Á RFU DC OUT (RFU adaptor DC output) jack (p. 20)
$ª 2 (headphones) jack
$£ MIC jack (PLUG IN POWER) Connect an external microphone (not supplied). This jack also accepts a
$¢ $°
$¤ $¦
$¥ $» %¼
$¢ S VIDEO jack
$° Light switch
$¤ VIDEO/AUDIO jacks (p. 19)
$¦ Remote sensor
$¥ LASER LINK emitter
$» Microphone
%¼ Camera recording/battery lamp (p. 12)
Additional information