Installation Montaø

àÌcÚaÎËpaÌe ‹zembehelyezÈs ì c Ú a Ì o ‚ Í a


•Do not tamper with the four holes on the upper surface of the unit. They are for tuner adjustments to be done only by service technicians.

•Choose the installation location carefully so that the unit will not hamper the driver during driving.

•Avoid installing the unit where it would be subject to high temperatures, such as from direct sunlight or hot air from the heater, or where it would be subject to dust, dirt or excessive vibration.

•Use only the supplied mounting hardware for a safe and secure installation.

Mounting angle adjustment

Adjust the mounting angle to less than 20°.

Zasady bezpieczeÒstwa

Nie naleøy manipulowaÊ w czterech otworach znajduj±cych siÍ na gÛrnej czÍ ci obudowy radia. S uø± one jedynie do strojenia radia przez fachowcÛw (w punkcie serwisowym).

Miejsce do wmontowania radia naleøy wybraÊ z namys em. SprzÍt nie moøe przeszkadzaÊ kierowcy podczas jazdy.

Nie naleøy umieszczaÊ sprzÍtu w miejscach naraøonych na dzia anie wysokich temperatur, jak na przyk ad w wyniku bezpo redniego

nas onecznienia lub nawiewu gor±cego powietrza z ogrzewania samochodu, lub w miejscach silnie zakurzonych, silnie zabrudzonych lub naraøonych na silne wstrz±sy.

Dla zapewnienia bezpiecznego i prawid owego montaøu naleøy korzystaÊ jedynie z za ±czonych czÍ ci montaøowych.

MepÍË Áa ·eÁoÔacÌocÚ

He ÔËÔaÈÚe ‚˙Úpe ‚ ˜eÚËpËÚe oÚ‚opa, paÁÔoÎoÊeÌË Ìa „opÌaÚa cÚpaÌa Ìa aÔapaÚa. Te ca Áa ÌacÚpoÈÍa Ìa pa‰ËoÔpËeÏÌËÍa, ÍoflÚo ce ËÁ‚˙p¯‚a caÏo oÚ cep‚ËÁÌË ÚexÌˈË.

àÁ·epeÚe ‚ÌËÏaÚeÎÌo ÏflcÚoÚo Áa ËÌcÚaÎËpaÌe, ÚaÍa ˜e aÔapaÚ˙Ú ‰a Ìe Ôpe˜Ë Ìa ‚o‰a˜a Ôo ‚peÏe Ìa ¯oÙËpaÌe.

àÁ·fl„‚aÈÚe ‰a ËÌcÚaÎËpaÚe aÔapaÚa ÚaÏ, Í˙‰eÚo ÚoÈ ·Ë Ïo„˙Î ‰a e Ôo‰ÎoÊeÌ Ìa ‚ËcoÍË ÚeÏÔepaÚypË ÍaÚo ÏecÚa c ‰ËpeÍÚÌa cÎ˙̘e‚a c‚eÚÎËÌa ËÎË „ope˘ ‚˙Á‰yx oÚ ÔapÌoÚo, ËÎË Í˙‰eÚo ˘e e Ôo‰ÎoÊeÌ Ìa Ôpax, ÁaÏ˙pcfl‚aÌe ËÎË cËÎÌË ‚Ë·paˆËË.

àÁÔoÎÁy‚aÈÚe caÏo ‰ocÚa‚eÌËÚe ‰eÚaÈÎË Áa ÏoÌÚaÊ Áa cË„ypÌo Ë ·eÁoÔacÌo ËÌcÚaÎËpaÌe.

Biztons·gi elõÌr·sok

KÈrj¸k ne ny˙ljon bele a kÈsz¸lÈk tetejÈn tal·lhatÛ nÈgy lyukba, ezek ugyanis a r·diÛ behangol·s·ra szolg·lnak, melyet kiz·rÛlag a vevõszolg·lat m˚szaki szakemberei vÈgezhetnek.

KÈrj¸k gondosan v·lassza ki a kÈsz¸lÈk helyÈt, ˙gy, hogy az ne akad·lyozza a vezetõt vezetÈs kˆzben.

KÈrj¸k olyan helyen helyezze el a kÈsz¸lÈket, ahol nincs kitÈve magas hõmÈrsÈkletnek, teh·t kˆzvetlen napfÈnynek vagy a f˚tõegysÈgbõl ki·ramlÛ forrÛ levegõnek Ès ahol nincs kitÈve pornak, ill. erõs r·zkÛd·snak.

A biztons·gos ¸zemeltetÈs ÈredekÈben kÈrj¸k, hogy csak a kÈsz¸lÈkkel sz·llÌtott szerelõ-kÈszletet haszn·lja.

A beszerelÈsi szˆg be·llÌt·sa

M e p ˚ Ôpe‰ocÚopoÊÌocÚË

• He ÏaÌËÔyÎËpyÈÚe c ˜eÚ˚p¸Ïfl

oÚ‚epcÚËflÏË Ìa ‚epxÌeÈ

Ôo‚epxÌocÚË ÔpË·opa. OÌË

Ôpe‰ÌaÁÌa˜eÌ˚ ‰Îfl Ôo‰cÚpoeÍ

Ú˛Ìepa, ÍoÚop˚e ‰oÎÊÌ˚

ÔpoËÁ‚o‰ËÚ¸cfl ÚoθÍo


• B˚·ËpaÈÚe ÏecÚo ycÚaÌo‚ÍË ÚaÍËÏ

o·paÁoÏ, ˜Úo·˚ ÔpË·op Ìe

ÔpeÔflÚcÚ‚o‚aÎ ‚o‰ËÚeβ ‚o ‚peÏfl

yÔpa‚ÎeÌËfl a‚ÚoÏo·ËÎeÏ.

• èpe‰oÚ‚pa˘aÈÚe ycÚaÌo‚Íy

ÔpË·opa ÚaÏ, „‰e oÌ ÏoÊeÚ ·˚Ú¸

Ôo‰‚epÊeÌ ‚˚coÍËÏ ÚeÏÔepaÚypaÏ,

ÌaÔpËÏep, oÚ ÔpflÏo„o coÎÌe˜Ìo„o

c‚eÚa ËÎË „opfl˜e„o ‚oÁ‰yxa ËÁ

Ôe˜ÍË, ËÎË ÚaÏ, „‰e ‚oÁÏoÊÌ˚

‚oÁ‰eÈcÚ‚Ëfl Ô˚ÎË, ‚Îa„Ë ËÎË

cËθÌoÈ ‚Ë·paˆËË.

• ÑÎfl ·eÁoÔacÌoÈ ycÚaÌo‚ÍË

ËcÔoθÁyÈÚe ÚoθÍo ‚xo‰fl˘ee ‚


Wymierzenie k±ta montaøowego

HacÚpoÈÍa Ìa ˙„˙Îa Áa ÏoÌÚaÊ

K±t montaøowy powinien wynosiÊ mniej

Ha„ÎaceÚe ˙„˙Îa Ìa ÏoÌÚaÊ ‰a ·˙‰e

niø20 .

Ôo-ÏaÎ˙Í oÚ 20 „pa‰yca.

A kÈsz¸lÈket max. 20 -os dˆntÈssel szerelje be.


èo‰cÚpoÈÍa y„Îa ÏoÌÚaÊa

ì„oÎ ÏoÌÚaÊa ‚˚·epËÚe Ïe̸¯ËÏ, ˜eÏ 20°.

How to Detach and Attach the Front Panel

Before installing the unit, detach the front panel.

To detach

Before detaching the front panel, be sure to press the OFF button first. Then press the RELEASE button to open up the front panel by pulling it towards you as illustrated.

To attach

Align the parts A and B, and push the front panel until it clicks.

Zdejmowanie i

zak adanie przedniej cianki

Przed zamontowaniem sprzÍtu proszÍ zdj±Ê przedni± ciankÍ.


Przed zdjÍciem przedniej cianki naleøy wpierw nacisn±Ê przycisk OFF. NastÍpnie proszÍ nacisn±Ê przycisk RELEASE w celu odblokowania przedniej cianki i nastÍpnie proszÍ j± wyci±gn±Ê poci±gaj±c do siebie, zgodnie z rysunkiem.

Zak adanie

ProszÍ dopasowaÊ czÍ ci A przedniej cianki do czÍ ci B radia i docisn±Ê ciankÍ, aø do zaskoku.

KaÍ ‰a c‚aÎflÏe Ë ‰a ÔocÚa‚flÏe Ôpe‰ÌoÚo Ú a · Î o

èpe‰Ë ËÌcÚaÎËpaÌe Ìa aÔapaÚa c‚aÎeÚe Ôpe‰ÌoÚo Ïy Úa·Îo Áa yÔpa‚ÎeÌËe .

C ‚ a Î fl Ì e

èpe‰Ë ‰a c‚aÎËÚe Ôpe‰ÌoÚo Úa·Îo Áa yÔpa‚ÎeÌËe o·eÁaÚeÎÌo ÌaÚËcÌeÚe Ô˙p‚o ·yÚoÌa OFF. CÎe‰ Úo‚a ÌaÚËcÌeÚe ·yÚoÌa RELEASE, Áa ‰a oc‚o·o‰ËÚe Ôpe‰ÌoÚo Úa·Îo Áa yÔpa‚ÎeÌËe, ÍaÚo „o ËÁ‰˙pÔaÚe Í˙Ï Bac, ÍaÍÚo e ÔoÍaÁaÌo Ìa ÙË„ypaÚa.


àÁpa‚ÌeÚe ‰eÚaÈÎËÚe A Ë BË ÌaÚËcÌeÚe Ôpe‰ÌoÚo Úa·Îo Áa yÔpa‚ÎeÌËe ‰o Ôpe˘paÍ‚aÌe.

A kezelõlap kivÈtele Ès behelyezÈse

A kÈsz¸lÈ kbeszerelÈse elõtt vegye le rÛla a kezelõlapot.

A kezelõlap levÈtele

A kezelõlap levÈtele elõtt feltÈtlen¸l nyomja meg az OFF gombot. Ezut·n oldja ki a kezelõlapot a RELEASE gomb megnyom·s·val, majd vegye ki maga felÈ h˙zva, az ·br·nak megfelelõen.

A kezelõlap visszatÈtele

IgazÌtsa ˆssze az A-val Ès B-vel jelˆlt rÈszeket, majd nyomja a kezelõlapot a kÈsz¸lÈkhez, amÌg be nem pattan.

KaÍ cÌËÏaÚ¸ Ë ycÚaÌa‚ÎË‚aÚ¸ Ôepe‰Ì˛˛ ÔaÌeθ

èepe‰ ycÚaÌo‚ÍoÈ ÔpË·opa cÌËÏËÚe Ôepe‰Ì˛˛ ÔaÌeθ.

ÑÎfl cÌflÚËfl

èepe‰ ÚeÏ, ÍaÍ cÌflÚ¸ Ôepe‰Ì˛˛ ÔaÌeθ, cÌa˜aÎa ÌaÊÏËÚe ÍÎa‚˯y OFF. áaÚeÏ ÌaÊÏËÚe ÍÎa‚˯y RELEASE, ˜Úo·˚ oc‚o·o‰ËÚ¸ Ôepe‰Ì˛˛ ÔaÌeθ, Ë cÌËÏËÚe ÔaÌeθ, ‚˚Úfl„Ë‚afl ee Ìa ce·fl, ÍaÍ ÔoÍaÁaÌo Ìa ËÎβcÚpaˆËË.

ÑÎfl ycÚaÌo‚ÍË

Coe‰ËÌËÚe ˜acÚË A Ë B Ë ÌaÊÏËÚe Ìa Ôepe‰Ì˛˛ ÔaÌeθ ÔpË·opa ‰o ˘ e Î ˜ Í a .

To detach


C ‚ a Î fl Ì e

A kezelõlap levÈtele

ÑÎfl cÌflÚËfl

OFF button

Przycisk OFF


OFF (kikapcsolÛ) gomb

KÎa‚˯a OFF

RELEASE button

Przycisk RELEASE


RELEASE (kioldÛ) gomb


To attach

Zak adanie


A kezelõlap visszatÈtele

ÑÎfl ycÚaÌo‚ÍË



Mounting Example

Przyk ad montaøu

èpËÏep Áa ÏoÌÚËpaÌe

SzerelÈsi pÈlda



Installation in the dashboard


àÌcÚaÎËpaÌe ‚ apÏaÚypÌoÚo Úa·Îo

A kÈsz¸lÈk beszerelÈse

ìcÚaÌo‚Ía ‚

ÔpË·opÌoÈ ‰ocÍe


























With the TOP marking up

Oznakowanie TOP musi byÊ skierowane do gÛry

C oÁÌa˜eÌËeÚo TOP Ìa„ope

a TOP felirattal felfelÈ

MapÍËpo‚ÍoÈ TOP ‚‚epx


Bend these claws, if necessary.

ProszÍ zagi±Ê te kleszcze, o ile jest to wymagane.

O„˙ÌeÚe ÚeÁË ÔÎacÚËÌË, aÍo e Ìoe·xo‰ËÏo

Sz¸ksÈg esetÈn hajlÌtsa el ezeket a kampÛkat.

èpË Ìeo·xo‰ËÏocÚË co„ÌËÚe ˝ÚË ‚˚cÚyÔ˚.


To support the unit


Wspomaganie sprzÍtu



3a ÁaÍpeÔ‚aÌe Ìa aÔapaÚa



A kÈsz¸lÈk megerõsÌtÈse

Fire wall


áaÍpeÔÎeÌËe ÔpË·opa


Przegroda ogniotrwa a



O„ÌeyÔopÌa Ôpe„pa‰a



t ˚ z f a l


Tablica rozdzielcza

Å p a Ì ‰ Ï a y ˝ p


ApÏaÚypÌo Úa·Îo






èpË·opÌafl ‰ocÍa





Page 2
Image 2
Sony CDX-3103 Precautions, How to Detach and Attach the Front Panel, Mounting Example Przyk ad montaøu

CDX-3103 specifications

The Sony CDX-3103 is a versatile car audio system that showcases the brand’s commitment to delivering superior sound quality and user-friendly features. With its sleek design and advanced functionality, the CDX-3103 is a popular choice for car enthusiasts looking to enhance their in-car listening experience.

One of the standout features of the CDX-3103 is its impressive playback options. This unit accommodates multiple audio formats, including CD, CD-R/RW, and MP3, allowing users to enjoy their favorite music in various formats. The system also supports various bit rates, providing flexibility in how music is stored and played back.

The CDX-3103 is engineered with high-quality sound performance in mind. It incorporates a built-in amplifier that delivers powerful output and rich audio quality. The system utilizes advanced digital signal processing technology to enhance sound clarity, allowing for a dynamic and immersive listening experience. The equalizer function allows users to fine-tune audio settings based on their personal preferences, adjusting bass, midrange, and treble levels to create the perfect sound profile.

Another notable feature of the CDX-3103 is its user-friendly interface. The display is clear and easy to read, enabling users to navigate playlists and settings without distraction. The rotary volume control provides tactile feedback, ensuring that adjustments can be made while keeping eyes on the road. Additionally, the unit includes pre-set radio stations and offers dynamic seek tuning, making it easy to find and save favorite FM/AM stations.

Connectivity options also enhance the functionality of the CDX-3103. The system is equipped with auxiliary input and USB ports, enabling direct connection of external devices such as smartphones and MP3 players. This allows users to play their favorite tracks directly from their devices, further expanding their music library options.

Moreover, the CDX-3103 features compatibility with additional Sony accessories, including steering wheel control adaptors, which provide seamless integration and convenience for drivers. The installation process is generally straightforward, compatible with various car models, making it accessible for a wide range of users.

In conclusion, the Sony CDX-3103 blends quality audio performance, user-centric features, and modern connectivity options. It is an ideal choice for anyone seeking to upgrade their vehicle's sound system, delivering reliable performance and enhanced musical enjoyment on the road.