
To listen to an 8 cm CD, use the optional Sony CD adaptor CSA-8. Be sure to always use the specified adaptor, as failing to do so may cause a malfunction of the unit. If you use any other adaptor, the unit may not operate properly. When using the Sony CD adaptor, make sure that the three catches on the adaptor are firmly latched onto the 8 cm CD.

Do not insert the Sony CD adaptor CSA-8 in the disc magazine without a disc, malfunction may result.

If the disc magazine does not lock properly

Take out the disc magazine, press Z, and reinsert it.

Use the unit with the door closed

Otherwise, foreign matter may enter the unit and contaminate the lenses inside the CD changer.

Notes on the disc magazine

•Do not leave the disc magazine in locations with high temperature and high humidity, such as on a car dashboard or in the rear window where the disc magazine will be subject to direct sunlight.

•Do not place more than one disc at a time onto a tray, otherwise the CD changer and the discs may be damaged.

•Do not drop the disc magazine or subject it to a violent shock.

When the tray comes out

Normally, the trays will not come out of the disc magazine. However, if they are pulled out of the disc magazine, it is easy to re-insert them.

Preparing the wireless remoteMounting the wireless remote

Use the supplied velcro tapes and mount the wireless remote to a suitable location where it will not interfere with your driving.

Velcro tapes

to where it is going to be mounted

With the cut-away portion of the tray facing you, insert the right corner of the tray in the slot, then push in the left corner until it clicks.


Do not insert the tray upside down or in the wrong direction.