Connecting auxiliary audio equipment

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If you connect an optional Sony CD/MD unit, you cannot connect any portable devices and cannot select “AUX.”

Selecting auxiliary equipmentPress (SOURCE) repeatedly to select “AUX.”Adjusting the volume level



1Press (MENU).

2Press <or ,repeatedly to select “SoundTuning.”

3Press (ENTER).

4Press M or mrepeatedly to select “AUX Level.”

5Press (ENTER).

6Press <or ,repeatedly to adjust the volume level.



7Press (ENTER).


8Press (MENU).


To deactivate auxiliary equipment in the music source display1Press (OFF).



2Press (MENU).

3Press <or ,repeatedly to select “Setup.”

4Press (ENTER).

5Press M or mrepeatedly to select “AUX Skip.”

6Press (ENTER).

7Press m to select “ON.”

8Press (MENU).

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