* Marked with Mark2 or not are available.
A “Memory Stick PRO Duo” of up to 8 GB has been confirmed to operate correctly with this camcorder.
See page 13 for the recordable time of a “Memory Stick PRO Duo.”
“Memory Stick PRO Duo” and “Memory Stick
On recording
Before starting to record, test the recording function to make sure the image and sound are recorded without any problems.
Compensation for failure or loss of recording cannot be provided, even if recording or playback is not possible due to a malfunction of the camcorder, recording media, etc.
TV color systems differ depending on the country/region. To view your recordings on a TV, you need an NTSC
Television programs, films, video tapes, and other materials may be copyrighted. Unauthorized recording of such materials may be contrary to the copyright laws.
Save all your recorded image data
To prevent your image data from being lost, save all your recorded images on external media periodically. It is recommended that you save the image data on a disc such as a
When the camcorder is connected to a computer
Do not try to format the hard disk of the camcorder using a computer. If you do so, your camcorder may not operate correctly.
Note on disposal/transfer
If you perform [MEDIA FORMAT]* to format the hard disk of the camcorder, data may not be completely deleted from the hard disk. When you transfer the camcorder, it is recommended
that you perform [EMPTY]* to prevent the recovery of your data.
In addition to the above, when you dispose of the camcorder, it is recommended that you destroy the actual body of the camcorder.
About language setting
About this manual
The LCD screens and indicators shown in this manual were taken with a digital still camera, and may look different from what you actually see.
In this Operating Guide, the hard disk and “Memory Stick PRO Duo” are called “media.”
Unless otherwise specifically indicated, illustrations in this manual are based on DCR- SR85.
The screenshots are from Windows Vista, and may vary depending on the operating system of the computer.
*Refer also to “Handycam Handbook” (PDF) and “PMB Guide.”