up the batteries fully, and then recharging them should correct the problem.

If you recharge Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries before fully using up the existing charge, the low battery warning may be displayed sooner than expected. This is called the “memory effect.”* If this problem occurs, charging the batteries only after using up the existing charge will correct it.

*The “memory effect” - the situation in which the capacity of the battery is temporarily lowered.

To use up the batteries completely, put the camera in the slide show mode (page 51) and leave it that way until the batteries are used up.

Do not mix new and used batteries.

Do not expose the battery to water. The battery is not water-resistant.

Effective use of Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries

Batteries are discharged even when they are not used. We recommend you charge the batteries just before using them.

Battery performance decreases in low- temperature surroundings, and the battery life is shortened under such circumstances. To use the battery longer, we recommend you keep the battery in its case in a pocket close to your body to warm it, and insert it in your camera just before you start shooting.

If the poles of the batteries and the terminals on the battery cover of the camera are dirty, the battery life may be extremely shortened. Occasionally wipe them with a dry cloth, etc. to keep them clean.

If you shoot a lot using the flash and the zoom, the battery power will be used up faster.

We recommend having spare batteries handy for two or three times the expected shooting time, and try test shooting before actually using the camera.

Battery life of Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries

The battery life is limited. The battery capacity decreases little by little as you use it more and more, and as time passes. When the battery operating time seems to have been considerably shortened, a probable cause is that the batteries have reached the end of their life.

The battery life varies depending on storage, operating conditions, and environment, and is different for each battery.

On alkaline batteries/Oxy Nickel Primary Battery

Alkaline batteries/Oxy Nickel Primary Battery cannot be charged.

Alkaline batteries/Oxy Nickel Primary Battery have a shorter life compared to the supplied Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries. For this reason, the power may turn off even though the battery remaining indicator shows sufficient battery life remaining.

Battery performance differs greatly depending on the manufacturer and the type of battery, and in some cases the battery life may be extremely short. This is especially true at low temperatures, and you may not be able to shoot at temperatures below 5°C (41°F).

Do not mix new and old batteries.

The battery remaining indicator does not display the correct information when using alkaline batteries/Oxy Nickel Primary Battery.

Due to characteristics of alkaline batteries/Oxy Nickel Primary Battery, there is a large difference between the available shooting time and the available playback time. For this reason, the camera may turn off with the lens portion extended when you switch the mode dial. In this case, replace the batteries with new ones or fully charged Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries.
