Sony DSC-W580, DSC-W570D manual Consult the computer or software manufacturer

Models: DSC-W570D DSC-W580 DSC-W570

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Consult the computer or software manufacturer.

The image and sound are interrupted by noise when you view a movie on a computer.

You are playing back the movie directly from the internal memory or the memory card. Import the movie to your computer using “PMB” and play it back. [Details]

Images once exported to a computer cannot be viewed on the camera.

Export them to a folder recognized by the camera, such as “101MSDCF”, then play back in Folder view. [Details]

Register the image in the Image Database File and play in [Date View]. [Details] Event View is not available on this camera.

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Sony DSC-W580, DSC-W570D manual Consult the computer or software manufacturer