Details of Setting Commands
Set Mask
Command: 8x 01 04 76 mm nn 0r 0r 0s 0s FF
mmSetting Mask
See “mm: mask setting list” in “Parameters” on page 16.
nnSelects new setting or resetting for the zone. See nn: Setting” in “Parameters” on page 16.
rrSets the half value “w” of the Mask Width.
ssSets the half value “h” of the Mask Height. See “rr: w, ss: h” in “Parameters” on page 16.
Comments: To set the mask, first display the object at the center of the screen. When “nn” is set to 1, the current Pan/Tilt/Zoom position is recorded in internal memory.
When “nn” is set to 0, the Pan/Tilt/Zoom position in memory is not changed.
•The tilt angle at which you can set the mask is between
•It is recommended that you set the size to at least twice the size of the object (height and width).
Set Display
Command: 8x 01 04 77 pp pp pp pp FF
pppp pp pp Each 24 Privacy Zones corresponds to 1 bit. See “pp pp pp pp: Mask bit” in “Parameters” on page 16.
Comments: Each of 24 Privacy zones can be switched on and off individually by a single VISCA command. If you want to display a Privacy zone, you must set its bit to 1. If you do not want to display a Privacy zone, you must set its bit to 0.
Set Mask Color
Command: 8x 01 04 78 pp pp pp pp qq rr FF
pppp pp pp Each 24 Privacy Zones correspond with the BIT. See “pp pp pp pp: Mask bit” in “Parameters” on page 16.
qqSet the color code include the
rrSet the color code include the
Basic Functions
Comments: Two different color masks can be chosen.
The colors can be chosen from among 14 colors including the possibility for
If the bit of parameter (pp pp pp pp) is set to “0”, mask color will be “qq” color (Color code). If the bit of parameter (pp pp pp pp) is set to “1”, the mask color will be “rr” color (Color code).
Example: 8x 01 04 78 00 00 00 03 10 07 FF
The mask color of Mask_A and Mask_B is White (color code 07h), and the mask color of the other Mask (C to X) is
Set Pan Tilt Angle
Command: 8x 01 04 79 0p 0p 0p 0q 0q 0q FF
pppPan Angle
qqqTilt Angle
See “Setting pan/tilt angle” in “Parameters” on page 16.
Comments: Pan/Tilt angle settings are hexadecimal data.
The resolution of Pan/Tilt angle is 0.088 degrees.
When you set the pan/tilt angle, locate the pan/tilt position at the center point of the FCB camera’s position.
Non Interlock Mask
Command: 8x 01 04 6F mm 0p 0p 0q 0q 0r 0r 0s 0s
mmSetting Mask
See “mm: mask setting list” in “Parameters” on page 16.
ppSets the center position “x” of the Mask on screen.
qqSets the center position “y” of the Mask on screen.
rrSets the half value “w” of the Mask Width.
ssSets the half value “h” of the Mask Height.
See “pp: x, qq: y, rr: w, ss: h” in “Parameters” on page 16.
Commands: Mask does not interlock with pan/tilt.
The limitations of parameters are as follows. (hexadecimal representation)
When the Set Mask command and the Non Interlock Mask command are set to the same mask, the command set later becomes effective.