(c) Answer (Display → Response to Host)1Control answerNo. Item Value
1 Header 0x70: Answer
2 Answer*0x00: Completed
0x01: Limit Over
0x02: Limit Under
0x03: Command Canceled
3 Check Sum 0xXX
*0x00:Completed Normal response.
0x01:Limit Over The packets was received normally, but the
data value was over the upper limit.
Forcedly the monitor adjusted the data to
maximum value.
0x02:Limit Under The packets was received normally, but the
data value was under the lower limit.
Forcedly the monitor adjusted the data to
minimum value.
0x03:Command Canceled The packets was received normally, but the
command was cancelled because the function
was not in adjustable mode, such as “_” a
function displayed as in user menu.
*Check Sum: The total from No.1 to No.2, when value
exceeds 255, 1byte of data is confirmed the
2Enquiry answer (Complete)No. Item Value
1 Header 0x70: Answer
2 Answer 0x00: Completed
3 Return Data Size 0xXX
4 Return Data1 0xXX
: : 0xXX
: : 0xXX
X Return DataX 0xXX
X+1 Check Sum 0xXX
*0x00: Completed Normal response.
*Return Data returns the read value.
*Check Sum: The total from No.1 to No.X, when value exceeds 255,1byte
of data is confirmed the bottom.
3Enquiry answer (Command cancel)No. Item Value
1 Header 0x70: Answer
2 Answer 0x03: Command Canceled
3 Check Sum 0xXX
*0x03: Command Canceled The packets was received normally, but the
command was cancelled because the function
was not in adjustable mode, such as “_” a
function displayed as in user menu.
*Check Sum: The total from No.1 to No.2, when value
exceeds 255, 1byte of data is confirmed the
4Error answerNo. Item Value
1 Header 0xE0: Answer
2 Answer*0x00: No Function Error
0x01: Check Sum Error
0x02: Data Length Error
3 Check Sum 0xXX
*0x00: No Function Error Packet header, category of function codes do not
exist in this protocol.
0x01: Check Sum Error The “Check Sum” value of the packet which
received is wrong.
0x02: Data Length Error The “Data Num” value of the packet which
received is wrong.