Disposing of the unit

Before disposing of the unit, the internal battery must be removed as described below.

If you want the internal battery replaced, contact your dealer or an authorized service center. In this case, you do not need to remove the internal battery beforehand.

To prevent the risk of damage and/or4 injury, never use any other battery except

the one integrated in the unit.

Do not remove the side panel or the internal battery of the unit unless you are about to permanently dispose of the unit.

Removing the internal battery

1Disconnect the AC power adapter and USB cable from the unit.

2Use a Phillips screwdriver to

remove the screw on the side of


the unit.


You can see a tape on the side of the battery.

Extract the tape from the inside of the unit with an elongated object, as illustrated.

Grab the extracted tape and partially pull the battery out of the unit.

Disconnect the battery cable.