Cannot recover data.
• Writing data onto the media of the
camcorder has failed. Attempts were
made to recover the data, but they were
Reinsert memory card A.
Reinsert memory card B.
•Reinsert the memory card a few times.
If even then the message appears, the
memory card could be damaged. Try
with another memory card.
A format error has occurred in
memory card A.
A format error has occurred in
memory card B.
•C heck the format, then format the
memory card with your camcorder if
necessary (p.62).
Memory card A may not record or
play movies normally.
Memory card B may not record or
play movies normally.
•Us e the memory card recommended for
your camcorder (p.9).
Memory card A may not record or
play normally.
Memory card B may not record or
play normally.
•Us e the memory card recommended for
your camcorder (p.9).
Memory card A has been pulled out
during writing. Data could be
Memory card B has been pulled out
during writing. Data could be
•R einsert the memory card, and follow
the instructions on the LCD screen.


No further selection is possible.
•You can select only 100 images at one
time for:
–Deleting movies/still images
–Protecting movies/still image s, or
releasing the protection
–Editing the Playlist
Data protected.
•You tried to delete protected data.
Release the protection of the data.
Warning indicators and messages (Continued)