Notes on MDs
Since an MD itself is housed in a cartridge, free from accidental contact with your fingers and dust etc., it can withstand a certain degree of the rough handling. However, dirt or dust on the surface of the cartridge or a warped cartridge may cause a malfunction quality, observe the following.
Never touch the surface of the MD itself by deliberately opening the shutter on the cartridge.
Do not expose the MD to direct sunlight or heat sources such as hot
Make sure that it is not left on the dashboard or rear tray of a car etc. where the temperature can also be excessive.
Notes on mounting labels
Be sure to mount labels on cartridges correctly, as failing to do so may cause an MD to become stuck in the unit.
•Mount the label in a suitable position. •Remove old labels before putting new ones
•Replace labels that are beginning to peel away from the MD.
Wipe the surface of the MD cartridge from time to time with a soft dry cloth.