Editing recorded tracks

You can edit your recordings by adding/erasing track marks or labeling tracks and MDs. Premastered MDs cannot be edited. Check menu items in the display window on the recorder, since they are displayed only there.

Notes on editing

Do not move or jog the recorder while “TOC Edit”* is flashing in the display.

You cannot edit tracks on an MD that is record-protected. Before editing tracks, close the tab on the side of the MD (page 61).

If you perform an editing operation while playing, be sure not to turn the power off until “TOC Edit” disappears in the display.

The lid does not open until “TOC Edit” disappears in the display after editing.

TOC = Table of Contents

Erasing tracks

To erase a track

Note that once a recording has been erased, you cannot retrieve it. Make sure of the track you are erasing.




1 While playing the track you want to erase, press MENU.