What is CD information?

CD information refers to information about audio CDs, such as an album name, an artist’s name, track titles, etc. Using SonicStage, you can obtain CD information for free from the Gracenote CDDB (Gracenote Compact Disc DataBase) service automatically via the Internet when you insert the audio CD into the CD drive of your computer.

Note that you cannot obtain CD information of CDs that are not registered with CDDB.

What is ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus?

ATRAC3 (Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding3) is an audio compression technology that satisfies the demand for high sound quality and high compression rates. ATRAC3plus is a more advanced version of ATRAC3, and it can compress audio files to about 1/20 of their original size at 64 kbps.

What is format and bit rate?

Format refers to the recording format, such as WAV or ATRAC3plus. Bit rate refers to the amount of data processed per second. The larger bit rates provide, better sound quality. However, the larger bit rates require more capacity to store the data.

The default setting is OpenMG Audio (ATRAC3plus) for format and 64 kbps for bit rate.

To change the format and bit rate, click “Settings” on the right side of the SonicStage window.

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